To acquire this pistol, go to Diamond city and buy it. Hence, it can be used by rifleman characters, gunslingers, and commandos. Also, the fact that you can turn it to a Sniper rifle if you want to is amazing. The weapon mods fitted to the gun vary depending on the level you are playing when you acquire the gun. You can use it for sneak attacks, whereby you’ll receive a 200% increase in damage and extra sneak bonus. It is a laser pistol that has an instigating effect that deals double damage to a full HP target. You can find it anywhere in the wastelands or purchase it throughout the commonwealth, but you’ll mostly find it In loot crates. This pistol will suit your needs at early levels of the game since you will only be facing weaker enemies. Additionally, it doesn’t have many customization options, but it has considerable ballistic damage. Moreover, the fire rate is slow compared to other guns in the game. It has a high damage but unfortunately has a low magazine capacity. This is a great pistol for beginners in the game.

Alternatively, you can find it in the Cabot House at the science lab table.

You can acquire this pistol as a consolation prize for The Secret of Cabot House quest.

It is a Gamma gun with no additional radiation damage and significantly reduced damage. It stuns your enemies with just a single shot. You can stumble into this pistol several times in the game. Here are some of the best pistols in Fallout 4 and where to find them. The wastelands have hundreds of weapons, and finding a good one can be quite difficult. Fallout 4 has an array of pistols some are powerful, and others not quite powerful. Best pistols in Fallout 4 give you an advantage and improve your survival chances in the game.