The creator of this mod goes by Wrighton, and the mod is available on PS4 Pro and Xbox. The 60FPS Skyrim mod is known simply as Skyrim 60FPS and it can be downloaded through the in-game mod menu.If you're looking to get better FPS in your game, look no further than Paramount. The eFPS – Exterior FPS Boost mod was created by. A brand new Skyrim Special Edition mod optimizes the game's exterior FPS and performance. Skyrim mods can not only spice up your gaming experience but also fixes quite a lot of issues with the game and its.Once you have an account, select the Mods option on the game’s main menu and log into your account. Go to Bethesda’s official website and create a account, if you haven’t already. How to install mods in Skyrim remastered on PS4 and Xbox One.Despite the lack of superpowered mods, Skyrim - Special Edition for the PS4 In turn, players of Skyrim on the Switch get two graphical. Skyrim mods on PS4, Xbox One, PC - How to install mods in. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Won't Be Getting Mod Support on Skyrim - Nintendo Switch Nexus - Mods and Community.